New Year’s Protocols

January 1, 2024, we ushered in a new year, and as we did the universal tradition of wishing each other happiness took center stage. The rule of thumb for spreading New Year joy is simple yet profound: sincerity. Rather than resorting to generic phrases that spark a generic response, infuse your New Year greetings with genuine warmth and a personal touch. Reflect on shared experiences, express gratitude, and look forward with hope. A heartfelt "Happy New Year" carries more weight when it resonates with authenticity.

I heard someone ask, “How long do we extend the New Year’s greeting?”  The response was within the first five days because after that we are moving onto Martin Luther King Day, President’s Day, and on into Black History Month.  I say it doesn’t matter how long you extend the greeting as long as you come from a good place with good intentions.

This year let our wishes be more than just words; let them be bridges connecting us with the people we care about. As we embark on a new chapter, let sincerity guide our well wishes, making them a beacon of positivity and connection. A Joyful New Year’s blessing to you and yours, may it be filled with continual joy, continual growth, and meaningful moments!

Inquiring about the New Year

Another note of New Year’s protocols… I recently asked someone, what their hopes were for the New Year and their response left me flabbergasted.  The reply was a quick retort to the tune of, “Girrrrrrrrl, I gotta go to work tomorrow.”  I let out a hearty laugh and then agreed that was a lofty question.  To suggest someone surmise the next 365 days can be a daunting task.  We often hear industry experts say that thinking too far into the future can lead to anxiety.  We begin to wonder about how we will accomplish all our goals or we think about all that will be required to achieve what we envision.  While imagining is a worthwhile process, we do not want to get too far ahead of ourselves.  Most of us start the New Year with a reflection.  Could the question have been what did you accomplish last year or looking back over last year, what do you want to do differently this year? The caveat here according to “the experts” is that looking too far back can be depressing. We get caught up in ‘woulda, coulda, shoulda’ thinking and end up regretting that which we did not do.  So what might a suitable New Year inquiry be that is more befitting?

Perhaps a connected question is warranted; something far more profound, something that really makes a person think, feel, and get in touch with their heart’s desires.  I am going to pose a question for you to reflect on. I will not provide any content beyond the question, giving you ample time to reflect and take brief notes.  I will pick this up again in next month’s blog. And if by chance you really want to chat about what comes up for you, please do reach out.  I don’t want to leave anyone hanging.  Before I pose the question, have something handy to immediately take a few brief notes.  When you are ready, sit up straight and notice what is going on around you.  Take a few deep breaths.  Take time to notice. Notice what is going on inside of you.  Notice the thoughts racing through your mind right now.  Acknowledge what you are feeling in your body right now.  What are you noticing? Take a few deep breaths and really pay attention to and sense inside your body.  Take another deep breath and answer this question:

~ “What does your heart long for?” ~


A Gift to Self